Friday, July 2, 2010

Teslin, Yukon - July 2, 2010

The weather today is cloudy and mild here in The Yukon. We will head further up, past Whitehorse to Destruction Bay. This town was named so because a storm came through and the town's buildings were nearly all destroyed. Many of the settlements along the Alaska Highway were posts during the construction of the road in the years 1942-1943. Before WWII there was no road connecting Dawson Creek, BC and Alaska. Many improvements have been made and are still being made. The road has had curves taken out, new bridges when needed. Around the RV Park here at Teslin were some ravens, probably ready to scavange any food dropped by campers. We have been seeing ravens since Yellowstone.

1 comment:

  1. Rich and I watched a special about the building of that highway during WWII. It was amazing that it was built so fast. Today it would take 5 years just to do a EPA study!
    Almost there !!
